I knew I loved this time of year!!!

Cream Eggs Ago
The not so subtle metaphors to our consumer society.
"There'll be hell to pay cuz I aint Daddy's little boy no more..."
"Mamma don't like tattle tales."
While I did thoroughly enjoy this film to satisfy my friday night sci-fi fix, I cannot tell you how mad this fight scene made me. Now I am up for a good fight scene like everyone else, and maybe even a good POINTLESS fight scene, but this just put me over the edge.
I would definately have to go through Missoula (thank you A River Runs Through It!!) and Butte is another definite ( my grandpa was born there..). This route doesn't include Helena, which is pretty tempting, mostly just because I recognize the name and Im pretty sure it's the capital. (Yes I am too lazy to check on that).
Unfortunately for all, I in most likelihood will not act out this plan for a long time to come. That may just make it all the more sweet when I do finally manage to go on this great adventure.