Friday, January 29, 2010

I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass...

... and I'm all out of bubble gum.

Just saw John Carpenter's masterpiece They Live, and all I can say is WOW. Starring the incomporable Roddy "Rowdy" Piper as down on his luck Nada who discovers sunglasses that when worn identify between seemingly alien creatures and humans. (only wear polarized glasses kids!) Nada then makes the (rather quick if you ask me) decision to start killing off the alien imposters. While I'm sure you are not astonished to find out that this film didn't sweep the Oscars in '89, it is a pretty decent film with a pretty fun and poignant plot.

The not so subtle metaphors to our consumer society.

"There'll be hell to pay cuz I aint Daddy's little boy no more..."

"Mamma don't like tattle tales."

While I did thoroughly enjoy this film to satisfy my friday night sci-fi fix, I cannot tell you how mad this fight scene made me. Now I am up for a good fight scene like everyone else, and maybe even a good POINTLESS fight scene, but this just put me over the edge.

Is it just me?

Tony, Tony, Tony....

Oh, Tony! You and your crazy serial killer ways. Having great psychological detective murderer breakthroughs triggered by a hot dog or something. Your incredibly awkward social skills and deep deep love for Inspector Carol Jordan! (Make it happen Tony, make it happen)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dream Vacation

I have been thinking about my dream vacation and at this point in my life, that includes Glacier National Park, Yellowstone and a car. I have been fascinated with the national parks for a while now and I still have not been to any. ( I am completely pining for Yellowstone)

Anyways, this is my ideal vacation, which includes a mini road-trip, because who doesn't love a road trip!

I would definately have to go through Missoula (thank you A River Runs Through It!!) and Butte is another definite ( my grandpa was born there..). This route doesn't include Helena, which is pretty tempting, mostly just because I recognize the name and Im pretty sure it's the capital. (Yes I am too lazy to check on that).

Unfortunately for all, I in most likelihood will not act out this plan for a long time to come. That may just make it all the more sweet when I do finally manage to go on this great adventure.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

A History Documented

As I was wasting hours upon hours soaring through the interwebs, I came across some great old photographs from the New York Public Library. They have countless collections but I went straight to the blacksmiths and forest service. Seeing great old photos like these really just makes me so inspired and I want to just go back in a time machine and work in a smithy. Although, they also kind of depress me because that's not what I'm doing and it is the kind of stuff that I love. (Time for a life change?)

All photographs via New York Public Library. More can be found here.