Thursday, December 31, 2009

Old Luggage, To Love or Not to Love...

Last week I found this old briefcase/small luggage bag (??) in an upstairs closet at my house. Needless to say, I fell in love with it. I will cherise anything that is older than I am and exponentially more the older it is.

I was very angry with my parents when I found case stashed away in the back of the closet because they are aware of my love for all things old. I am a very nolstagic individual. My dad thinks I'm a weirdo because I like it.

A couple of months ago I was shopping around online for the perfect older luggage case (Oh Etsy how I love thee!) but I did not have the heart to actually purchase one, or shall I say my wallet didn't have the heart. Given I was looking for those beautiful old leather cases with stickers from all different kind of destinations on them, and the one I found in the closet isn't exactly that, but still!! Come on ma and pa! (No, I don't call my parents ma and pa! I actually call them by their real names but that's a whole other story..)

The moral of the story is that the case is far from my dream case but it is still pretty cool and I am disappointed in my parents for not telling me (Not really, but you get the idea)

Anyway, pictures.........

Y?/N?/Y?/Y? YES!

Mastery of Skill

I have seen this gentleman on a few other blogs and he is absolutely amazing. My first thought after seeing it was "I want to be like him when I grow up." There is just something I find so inspiring and amazing about this man.

Watch The Video HERE

Shur Fine Cadillac Whispers...

I have decided to start a blog after reading several others that seem to just be putting pictures of their favorite things on them, and I thought "I can do that." I know there is more to blogging than that, but I think I'll just have a simple little blog about things I'm interested in. Wouldn't want to make something too thought provoking (God forbid!)

I happen to be starting on new years eve but that is purely coincidental. It has less to do with a new beginning and more to do with the fact that its the holiday season and I have a lot of time on my hands.

As far as anything I'll be writing, I think I'll just focus on things that I like. These include the outdoors, camping, socks, movies, all things vintage, and of course SHARP OBJECTS.

I'll leave you with some pics from the holidays and my favorite xmas presents....

It snowed today!

Some awesome CCM Ultra Tacks

Coleman Deluxe Perfect Flow Lantern

And my most favorite present of all.......

An Estwing Sportman's Ax!!!