.Nail Polish!Why is it that whenever I wear nail polish, the first thing that a person asks you after informing you of their admiration for your color choice is the name of the color?
My never failing answer to this question is always:
(Mind you I never say it in all capital letters and a little eyelash batting never hurts, because apparently we are are accountable for knowing the name of our nail polish! )
There seems to be an unspoken assumption that if you own a nailpolish color, then you should automatically have it's name stored in your memory bank. Well ladies, I don't work that way!
I have a hard enough time trying to determine if I have fabricated the majority of my childhood memories let alone what the name of the green nailpolish I am wearing is.
We aren't assumed to memorize facts about other daily objects around us, so why should we know the name of nailpolish colors?
You don't go around asking for the names of other everyday items, such as:
-Wow, I love your dining room walls, what's the name of the color?
- That penny is really shiny, what year is it from?
- Your new hair color is great! is that chesnut brown, dark brown, auburn, medium brown, cocoa infusion, brown umber, walnut-red brown.....
(You get the idea)
P.S.- I have considered doing a series of my pet peeves, because yes, I am one of those people who will mentally punch you in the face if you are chewing too loudly, but this seems far too narcistic, bitchy and moany. It is also one of the greatest reasons to hate these here blogs because they just become places for people to pile their shit and bitch about stuff. I already have a dad for that. Although, I fear I am to selfish, bored, void of original thoughts to resist doing more pet peeves for too long, so expect more to come.